The case for Google.

Not that Google needs my, or anyones help.

I was early to adapt Google applications. I've had my Gmail address for years and years, made great use of GoogleDocs all the way through graduate school.

As we start another semester, I wonder why more academic institutions don't make better use of the tools that Google offers. For sure library instruction includes at least an introduction to Google Scholar, including how to have licensed resources linked from the Scholar results. Why haven't academic institutions made more use of other Google tools?

Just a push toward students signing up for a Google account for "anywhere" access to Google documents would create less need for staff to deal with access issues. With a student simply signing into their account and getting into their document there would be no need for answering

"Why won't the computer read my flash drive?"
"Why can't I open my Word Perfect document?" [yes, I've heard this recently] questions.

Sometimes (most of the time) libraries and academic institutions over think and don't use the simplest, most cost-effective solutions available. This is one time that we SHOULD outsource a task.

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